Notice of hearing

Contact: Fairley McDonald
(334) 269-3550


Pursuant to Ala. Code §§ 25-5-8(f) and revised 27-2-29, notice is hereby given that a hearing will be held before the Commissioner of Insurance at 2:00 pm Central Time on Thursday, December 7, 2023, in the offices of the Alabama Department of Insurance, 201 Monroe Street, Fifth Floor Conference Room, RSA Tower, Montgomery, Alabama. The purpose of this hearing will be to consider a filing by the National Council on Compensation Insurance [“NCCI”] on behalf of its subscribers of Alabama workers compensation voluntary loss costs, assigned risk rates, and rating values to be effective March 1, 2024.

NCCI is recommending an average overall decrease of 11.8% to the current voluntary loss cost level and an overall average decrease of 4.7% to the current assigned risk rate level applicable to new and renewal business only. Testimony by NCCI and on behalf of the Department may be in narrative form.

NCCI representatives may attend remotely by computer application. Any release of documents by the Department of Insurance will be limited in amount. The filing itself will not disclosed in advance because the filing has not been approved by the Commissioner of Insurance and contains actuarial and trade secret data.

Any written submission supporting or opposing the filing or otherwise to be taken into consideration by the Commissioner of Insurance must be submitted to the Department of Insurance so that it is received by 3:00 pm Central Time on December 5, 2023, by scan to the electronic mail address above or by mail to the Alabama Department of Insurance, Legal Division, Post Office Box 303351, Montgomery, Alabama 30130-3351. Persons desiring to orally testify at the hearing will be requested to sign in at the hearing and will be sworn prior to testimony.